So, wanting to see nginx scripts in action, I started my favorite IDE, set a breakpoint in the script compilation code (
for those of you who care) and started nginx with the 'out-of-the-box' configuration. That's when I realized what the "process-model" of nginx is. It's actually pretty standard: one master process that reads the configuration file and spawns "worker" processes that will do the job. When you send the appropriate signal to the master/parent process (which is what nginx -s reload
ends up doing), then your master will just load the new configuration, stop the existing workers and spawn new ones (which now have the new configuration loaded). Simple, nice, efficient.As I said, I was expecting to see scripts in action. More specifically, I was convinced the logging mechanism was using them (to handle the log_format directive) but I was obviously mistaken because I ran only once into my breakpoint and that was to compile "$proxy_host" for the http_proxy module. Therefore I looked at the logging mechanism but discovered that it uses its own mechanisms for parsing and managing log_format. I was a bit disappointed and I really wonder why it is so. Probably has to do with the fact that logging was implemented before the scripts and never refactored after scripts made it to the source tree. Of course, this is just guessing from me...